Monday, March 21, 2016

March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse In Libra

The month of March is eclipse season in 2016. The first eclipse, a solar eclipse, occurred on March 8, 2016 in Pisces. Now, on March 23 at 7:47 ET, we will have the (full Moon) lunar eclipse. It occurs in the sign of Libra at about three degrees. You will be affected by this eclipse if you have planets or points between one and five degrees of Libra and/or Aries. Most folks will simply experience the eclipse as a full Moon. Full Moons usually indicate a climax or coming to fruition of something, and we are normally more emotional during a full Moon.

The lunar eclipse in Libra will affect public tranquility and peace, issues of equality, marriage, judges, and social life. Transiting Mercury (in Aries) is lord of this eclipse. Issues of war, conflict, and peace-keeping will be discussed and perhaps planned; also conflict and changes in the media. Communication, ideas, and mental thinking are important. Foreign wars and conflicts are affected by changes. Explosive fires and/or disasters at sea could be a problem. Global warming will likely get greater media coverage. There could be a breakthrough with regard to treating a (foreign-born) virus. Transiting Mars in a favorable aspect to the eclipse point indicates that favorable action can be taken (especially with regard to relationship issues, partnerships, and marriage).

For the US, the motion picture industry, shipping, and healthcare are affected. This eclipse indicates increased pressure on healthcare, workers, hospitals, prisons, and death rates and consequences as a result of the t-square in mutable signs. The eclipse point squares Jupiter and Venus in the US natal chart. This points to trouble within the judiciary as the number of court vacancies continue to rise as a result of the US Senate leadership’s intransigence. It also points to possible problems with financial markets and/or the nation’s budget. Listen for exciting and/or interesting news from NASA. The cities of Los Angeles and Phoenix are affected by this eclipse.

This eclipse is close to zero degrees of a cardinal sign (and, the Sun is close to zero degrees Aries), therefore this will be a strong and very important eclipse.

UPDATE 3/22/16 PM:

In the national chart of Belgium: The Sun is at 10 degrees Libra, Pluto is at 8 degrees Aries, Jupiter is at 9 degrees Capricorn, and the Ascendant is at 8 degrees Capricorn. The Moon rules the seventh house of open enemies, and it was transiting in Virgo opposite Belgium's natal Mars in Pisces at the time of the attack. In the city chart for Brussels, transiting Mars in Sagittarius was conjunct natal Uranus. The symbolism for that aspect is a sudden, unexpected, and explosive fire (or, a bombing).

About one year ago on March 20, 2015, we experienced a total solar eclipse at 29 degrees Pisces (very close to zero degrees Aries).

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