Thursday, March 17, 2016

Astrology And Politics - March 17, 2016

President Obama nominated Judge Merrick Garland to succeed Justice Scalia and become the next United States Supreme Court justice yesterday. The biggest talking point that I have heard regarding Judge Garland, who is currently the Chief Judge on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, is that he is liked by virtually everyone - other judges, lawyers, Chief Justice Roberts, and even US Republican Senators. Judge Garland’s birthday is November 13, 1952 and he was born in Chicago. I do not have an exact birth time, however. He has natal Sun in Scorpio, and his natal Moon is in Libra. It is the Libra Moon that makes him so likeable. He needs to be liked by others, and justice and equality and looking at all sides of an issue are deeply important to him (as signified by this Moon placement). His natal Mercury is in a trine aspect to his natal Pluto. His opinions are thoughtful, deep, and well-researched. If I had to guess, I’d say that the Senate will confirm him to the SCOTUS late September or early October (probably first week of October) as transiting Jupiter conjoins his natal Moon (or, close to it). The estimate could be several days off since we do not know exactly what time of day he was born. We’ll see as GOP Senate leaders are threatening to hold up his confirmation process and not even have hearings/meetings.

Senator Bernie Sanders’ transits and aspects are getting much better now as we move into the later half of the primary season. As a matter of fact, his chart looks damned good right now as transiting Jupiter heads back toward his natal Sun. However, Senator Sanders has a math problem now, not an Astrological problem or a problem with the universe/stars. Secretary Clinton has built up a 320+ delegate lead on Senator Sanders. It will be almost impossible for him to catch up with her at this point. It could happen, but it is extremely unlikely.  

We have already discussed Donald Trump’s problem with the GOP establishment/leadership. That will continue throughout the campaign. The problem the GOP establishment has is similar to that of Senator Sanders. Mr. Trump has a 250+ delegate lead on the nearest GOP presidential contender (which is Ted Cruz). He will almost surely get to the convention with quite a few more delegates than anyone else even if he doesn’t have the requisite number to claim the nomination outright. It should be an interesting GOP convention (to say the least).

As transiting Uranus continues its transit through Aries, it will begin to square Trump’s natal Saturn in Cancer and his eleventh house of friends and group endeavors. The last time he had this aspect was about 42 years ago. In 1973, the DOJ filed suit against Mr. Trump for violating the Fair Housing Act and discrimination (in housing) against African-Americans. Trump counter-sued the DOJ, but that was thrown out of court. The original suit was finally settled out of court in 1975. Mr. Trump was again sued by the DOJ for breaking the terms of the agreement in 1978. This aspect can cause quite a bit of trouble, chaos, and rebellion. Look for something similar beginning in late May and June of this year. And, look for this issue back in 1973 to be raised in the election.

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