Friday, October 7, 2022

October 25, 2022 Partial Solar Eclipse In Scorpio


Our first eclipse of the October/November of 2022 eclipse season will be a partial solar eclipse on October 25, 2022 and it will occur at 2 degrees and 01 minute Scorpio. The eclipse can be seen from most of Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. This eclipse could affect global finances/banking, matters related to death, sex, power, and others’ collective values. Venus is the lord of this eclipse because of its close proximity to the eclipse point. With Pluto squaring the eclipse point, matters related to this eclipse are likely to be quite intense even though it’s only a partial eclipse. Matters of life and death are likely to be involved. With Mars in trine aspect to the eclipse point, actions taken could be favorable, although high expectations may not be met with Jupiter/Neptune in square aspect to Mars. Battles at sea or in the air could occur. The oil and gas industry could experience some wide swings. The effects of this year’s Saturn/Uranus square will be felt. We want to be free, but our need for security could hold us back.

For the United States, the eclipse is in the first house and what occurs here will be quite important even though the eclipse is not visible from the States. With Pluto conjunct the IC in this chart over Washington DC, homeland security could be a big issue. Power struggles are a distinct possibility. Mars in the ninth house and trine the eclipse point is favorable to the airline industry. Space exploration could benefit as well. But, with Jupiter and Neptune in square aspect, excessive or aggressive action could backfire or cause trouble. Chiron in the sixth could indicate some lingering problems related to the coronavirus pandemic during the winter months. Pluto’s sextile to Jupiter/Neptune in the fifth signals a favorable trend for the entertainment industry and the creative arts. Lilith on the MC could signal some very public and scandalous sexual episodes. We’ll see. 

As always, this eclipse will affect you personally if you have planets and/or points conjunct or opposite the eclipse point (only a two degree orb). Those planets or points between 0 and 4 degrees of Taurus and/or Scorpio are included. Eclipses are Uranian in nature in that what happens is unexpected, and you might not even be certain as to what is happening for six months. For a solar eclipse, it takes about a year for the event to completely mature. Whether the eclipse is experienced as positive or negative depends on the planet that is conjoined or opposed, its place in your chart, the condition that the planet is in, and whether and how you might have prepared for what is happening (i.e. free will). If you’d like to know if you have planets or points that fall into this range, let me know. For most people, it will be experienced simply as a New Moon type event. Those are generally felt as the start of something new or a new beginning.

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