Monday, July 4, 2022

America (The USA) - The Land Of The Free?


It’s the Fourth Of July - a day of celebration for the birth of our nation, The United States Of America. However, this Fourth there seems to be much sadness and consternation about the loss of our freedoms and liberties here in our nation - such as the overturn of Roe v Wade and legislation like the “Don’t Say Gay” law in Florida. 

What are some of the Astrological reasons for this? Well, the planet of restrictions, Saturn, is transiting the sign of freedom and liberty, Aquarius. Saturn, the disciplinarian of the cosmos, is requiring us to think about and decide which freedoms and liberties are worth fighting for and working for (which requires voting in every election and up and down the ticket) and which ones we could let go of. It has not been pleasant for many of us. 

The Moon, which rules the people in a location and/or event chart, is in Aquarius in all of the DOI charts. Saturn has or will be transiting back and forth over the Moon in all these charts before leaving Aquarius for Pisces. In the Gemini Ascendant chart that some astrologers use for the USA, the Moon is at 18 Aquarius. The most popular chart for the USA is the Sibley’s chart with Sagittarius rising, the Moon is at 27 Aquarius. Saturn got close but did not get to that point yet (but it will). So, we will have to work hard for the freedoms and liberties that we maintain because we are in a time of restrictions and reductions. Saturn moves into Pisces early March of 2023.

In addition to the above, it must be mentioned that the USA is experiencing its Pluto return. Pluto is returning (or has) to the place it was when the USA was born. Basically, what this means is that the nation is transforming. How and into what it transforms into has a lot to do with what Americans want and what we do about what we want.

The Supreme Court of the United States is the cause of a great deal of this angst (but certainly not all of it). The December 25/26, 2019 solar eclipse occurred opposite Jupiter in the nation’s chart. Jupiter rules the judiciary in a nation's chart. Since that time, the Court has undergone a number of changes and has moved quite a ways to the right. Justice Ginsberg has died and former President Trump appointed three new (far right) justices to the Court. Unfortunately, it appears that more restrictive changes lie ahead.

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