Monday, January 15, 2018

Miscellaneous Astrological Musings - January 2018

Indicators Of Beauty In A Natal Chart

I read a post in one of my Facebook Astrology groups about indicators of beauty in a natal chart. The post only mentioned five (which I agree with), but there are more. I thought I’d discuss some of them here.

The first one mentioned was natal Venus in the first house. This is definitely true, because Venus represents beautiful things and the first house in the natal chart deals with physical traits (along with personality). I would also suggest that the closer natal Venus is to the Ascendant, the more profound this trait of beauty will be. Aspects from other planets throughout the chart could modify or add to this aspect.

The second one mentioned was natal Neptune in the first house. Neptune is considered the higher octave of Venus, so this certainly makes sense. Neptune also adds a bit of mystery and glamour to the native.

A third one was natal Mars in the first house (especially for men). I agree with this because Mars would add an element of masculine beauty or ruggedness. Have you ever heard of someone described as ruggedly handsome. That is likely because of Mars.  

A fourth one was natal Venus conjunct natal Sun. This would be similar to Venus in the first house, except this element of beauty would be pervasive throughout the native. This one is especially true for men, but it works for women as well. A former (but fairly recent) Mr. IML from San Francisco has this aspect. He also has Mars conjunct his natal Sun, and it’s interesting that he possesses both types of beauty.

A fifth one was natal Venus conjunct natal Moon. This one adds an inner beauty to the native which surfaces from time to time. This one is especially true for women, but works for men as well. Your truly has this aspect in his natal chart. I have never considered myself good-looking, but I have been told that I am a number of times.

I would add a Libra Ascendant as an indicator of physical beauty as well. There are so many persons with Libra rising in their charts, and they can’t all be beautiful. But, Debbi Kempton Smith says this about Libra rising: “Even the toads look like good-looking toads.”  

An Interesting Couple

I have an interesting couple in my database. They are married, and the male identifies as heterosexual and the female identifies as bisexual.

The male is a Capricorn (natal Sun in Capricorn). Saturn, which rules Capricorn is conjunct the female’s Ascendant. The female is a Sagittarius. Jupiter, which rules Sagittarius, is conjunct the male’s Ascendant. Is this reflected in the charts of all married couples? No, it isn’t - it’s actually a fairly rare occurrence. The male’s natal Juno (civil marriage) is in late Sagittarius and is conjunct the female’s natal Sun.

In the couple’s composite chart, the Sun shows up in the fifth house. They are together to express love and joy as a couple and to show others that it’s possible. And, there is definitely a lot of love and joy between them, and they certainly have a good time together. Composite Venus is also located in the fifth house, and that is one of the best placements for a couple.

Is it all fun, joy, and love for this couple? Do they have any problems? Of course they have problems. What is their major problem? Composite Saturn is located in the second house of money, values, and possessions. And, it is squaring their composite Sun. The Sun/Saturn aspect might keep them together, but it’s not pleasant. So, their big issue is money, and they’ll need to work on that.

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