Saturday, January 13, 2018

January 31, 2018 Lunar Eclipse In Leo

We begin eclipse season on January 31 this year. The first eclipse, a lunar eclipse, occurs on January 31, 2018 at 12 degrees Leo . You will be affected by this eclipse if you have planets or points between 10 and 14 degrees of Leo and/or Aquarius. Most folks will simply experience the eclipse as a full Moon. Full Moons usually indicate a climax or coming to fruition of something, and we are normally more emotional during a full Moon. The emphasis is on creative self-expression through innovation, originality, and/or just being different or unique. The emphasis is also on children and world leaders. This will also be a super blue blood full Moon, which hasn't occurred in one- hundred and fifty years.

The lunar eclipse in Leo will affect the entertainment industry and children worldwide. Also, Leo brings world leaders into view or prominence. Transiting Jupiter forms a wide square to the eclipse point from Scorpio. Overconfidence and excessive risk-taking could be problems associated with this eclipse. Transiting Mars forms a wide trine to this eclipse point from Sagittarius. Actions taken in a legal, foreign travel or cultural, or educational sense should work out positively. Transiting Neptune is inconjunct the eclipse point which points to trouble at sea and with deception and confusion present and problematic between world leaders.

For the US, the eclipse falls in the sixth house in the eclipse chart over Washington DC. The lunar eclipse in Leo will affect the health industry, civil workers, and general employment. The employment situation (unemployment rate and pay for workers) is not as rosey and positive as it seems or was predicted. It could be that the newly passed tax cuts do not affect the national economy in the way the President and Congressional leaders predicted. The wide income gap between the wealthy and others continues to increase. We could experience the death of a well known statesman or other prominent figure. Venus opposes the eclipse point, so the “me too” movement continues, and women gain in numbers and power in government - even if behind the scenes. Venus is lord of this eclipse, so relationships and diplomacy are extremely important. Asteroid Fortuna is conjunct this eclipse point but is in retrograde motion, so it's effects will likely be unfortunate.

Transiting Mars in the ninth squares transiting Neptune in the first indicating a potential for war with a foreign adversary. It could take place at sea. The conflict is palpable and is probably with North Korea (in my view). Mercury and Pluto square Uranus (in the second house of money and finances) in this chart. Some of our powerful friends and allies could take action that affects the financial situation in the USA negatively. It could happen suddenly and surprisingly. Or. it could simply mean that their difficult economic situation affects the USA in a negative way  as well.

This eclipse point is closely conjunct Trump’s natal Pluto. He could have problems and conflicts with persons of power (behind the scenes). Pluto rules Trump's fourth house of home and family, so a family member could undermine his efforts or simply cause intense or severe trouble for him. He should be very careful as the potential for violence cannot be excluded. In addition, transiting Saturn will have begun to activate his natal Mercury square to natal Neptune aspect (in his natal chart). His penchant for playing fast and loose with the truth may cause him some major difficulties at this time.

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