The Asteroids Of Astrologers (Updated for sign placement on 6/04/18 @ 4:00 PM PDT)

The Asteroids Of Astrologers

The planet most closely associated with Astrology and astrologers is Uranus. In fact, Uranus rules the Astrological discipline/art and the industry. But, what about the asteroids that might have to do with Astrology. Are there some and which ones? Yes, and I’ll list some of them below. As is usually the case, the asteroids are more specific in nature as opposed to the planets - in this case, Uranus - which are multi-layered and more general.

Urania - Urania can be used as an indicator for an astrologer. It is considered the muse of astrology, astronomy, and mathematics. Perhaps it was transited in your natal chart as you were learning Astrology. What inspired you to become an astrologer? Urania in your chart (and, it’s transits) might give us a clue. The asteroid’s number is 30. Urania is now transiting the sign of Pisces.

Astronomia - The word is related to Astronomy, but it also related to Astrology. Many astrologers have Astronomia prominent in their charts. The asteroid’s number is 1154. Astronomia is now transiting the sign of Aries.

AstroWizard - This asteroid indicates an astrologer who is a wizard in his or her craft. Is it prominent in your chart? The asteroid’s number is 24626. AstroWizard is now transiting the sign of Cancer.    

Chiron - Chiron is often referred to as the “wounded healer.” He deals with wounds and issues and healing. However, this asteroids is often prominent in the charts of astrologers. If that’s the case, there is a healing aspect to how and perhaps why the astrologer practices his or her craft. Chiron is now transiting the sign of Aries.

I’ll use Astrologer Ray Merriman as an example (and, from the course materials of the Advanced Asteroids course from the American Federation of Astrologers). Ray Merriman has Urania conjunct Pluto in the eleventh house. He is a business and stock market astrologer, with Pluto indicating other people’s money. Uranus is conjunct the North Node and Chiron is in the second house of money in Scorpio and conjunct Astronomia.  


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