Friday, April 30, 2021

India's Coronavirus Crisis And A Powerful Eclipse


India has been in the midst of a serious and tragic coronavirus crisis for a while, and it seems to continue relentlessly. The nation’s healthcare system is overwhelmed and buckling under, and the death toll is enormous and tragic and getting worse. 

India was actually doing quite well as the new year began, while the USA and other countries were being ravaged by COViD-19. Some of India’s higher government officials were pretty much declaring the pandemic over in India. And, then the new cases numbers started to rise later in March of 2021 (around March 20). At about that time, the Sun began to stimulate the June 21, 2020 eclipse point by square aspect. Cases began to increase dramatically. And, then as transiting Mars was about to enter Cancer (about April 15) and conjoin that eclipse point, the crisis became even worse. The healthcare system began to collapse, there was a shortage of healthcare and especially oxygen to care for patients, and the death toll skyrocketed, And, it continues today.  

If you would like to help India in the midst of this crisis, this New York Times article will give you ideas and ways that you can donate and/or help.  

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