Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Best Of Miscellaneous Astrological Musings

This is from my December 3, 2016 post:

Frequent Flyer Winnings:

I finally won something. I almost never win anything in any game of chance. But, now I’ve won 25K frequent flyer miles.

On November 22 I received an email message from the airline that I usually fly when traveling. It seems that I had won a frequent flyer miles sweepstakes that I had entered earlier in the year. I had won 25K frequent flyer miles. On that day, the Sun (in Sagittarius - the sign that rules air travel) sextiled (60 degree angle) my natal Jupiter (the ruler of air travel). Jupiter was in a wide square to my natal Mercury (ruler of my ninth house of air travel). And, Venus was conjunct my natal Mercury. My progressed Venus is trining my natal Uranus, and Uranus rules my fifth house of gambling and lucky chances.

December 7, 2016 is the 75th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Attack, which brought the United States into WWII.

In drawing up the astrological chart for the attack, we find the Ascendant on Capricorn and in opposition to Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun in the USA's natal chart. Asteroid Icarus is rising (and, conjunct the Ascendant). Astrologer Al H. Morrison describes the effects of this asteroid this way: "Abrupt triumph and downfall. Like running into a pothole the size of a delivery truck." Transiting Mars is on the IC (bottom of the chart) showing the bombing and the fires on the ground. The Sun is in the twelfth house of death and loss and opposed by transiting Jupiter. The loss of life was enormous. The Moon (the people) is conjunct transiting Pluto (death).

This is from my January 2, 2017 post:

Flight 837:

United flight 837 took off from San Francisco International Airport at 11:36 AM PST on November 28 bound for Tokyo. Shortly after takeoff, one of the 747’s four engines burst into flames. The plane circled the airport, dumped excess fuel into the ocean outside of Monterey (unfortunately) and landed back at SFO at 1:36 PM safely. There were no injuries. The astrological chart for takeoff at SFO shows transiting Mars on the Ascendant. Transiting Jupiter was also trining the Ascendant in this chart.

This is from my January 13, 2017 post:

Senator Dianne Feinstein Gets A Pacemaker

Senator Dianne Feinstein had a medical procedure on January 10, 2017 to have a pacemaker inserted into her heart. The procedure went well and she was back at work in the Senate the next day.

Senator Feinstein was born June 22, 1933 at 12:44 AM in San Francisco, California. Her natal Sun (the heart) is just barely in Cancer (0 degrees and 28 minutes). Transiting Mercury was in opposition to her natal Sun on the day of the procedure (making its third pass to that area as Mercury had been retrograding). Virgo (Mercury ruled) is on the Senator’s sixth house of health. The Moon conjoined her natal Sun on the 10th as well. Transiting Chiron (the wounded healer) has been transiting in opposition to her natal Mars in the sixth house for some time. Her progressed Jupiter is in a square aspect to her natal Sun. Hopefully, this resolves any difficulty she is having.

This is from my June 5, 2017 post:

A Friend’s Fourth House Cusp In Gemini:

We tend to want to have two of whatever is represented by which house is on Gemini in our charts. A friend of mine has Gemini on his fourth house. He has an apartment in San Francisco and also owns a home on a farm in the North Central part of California. He spends a few days in San Francisco to work, and then he spends the rest of his week on the farm.

This is from my October 27, 2017 post:

My eclipses posts:

Among my most popular blog posts are the ones related to eclipses. I first became intensely interested in eclipses about three years ago. I looked up everything I could from various favorite astrologers of mine. As with some other areas, there wasn’t a great deal of agreement among them with regard to how to interpret eclipses. In terms of major world events, I became very impressed by what I read from Celeste Teal in her book, Eclipses, Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation. Her discussion of recent events, including the September 11, 2001 attack, is especially interesting.

This is from my February 7, 2018 post:

The other day a client mentioned to me that he had been having high blood sugar problems recently. So, I looked at his natal chart - he has a t-square with natal Venus at the apex. His natal Venus is in the twelfth house and squares natal Uranus/Pluto on one side and natal Saturn/Chiron on the other side. His natal Jupiter is sesquisquare his natal Venus. The problem likely started when Saturn was transiting Sagittarius and conjoined his natal Venus (and stimulated this configuration in his chart) last year.

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