Monday, July 2, 2018

July 27, 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse In Aquarius

The month of July is eclipse season in 2018. The second lunar eclipse of 2018, a total lunar eclipse, occurs on July 27, 2018 at 5 degrees Aquarius. This is a powerful lunar eclipse and is the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. It is also a blood Moon eclipse and transiting Mars is close by as well. Mars is the lord of this eclipse as a result of its closeness to the eclipse point. You will be affected by this eclipse if you have planets or points between 3 and 7 degrees of Leo and/or Aquarius. Most folks will simply experience the eclipse as a full Moon. Full Moons usually indicate a climax or coming to fruition of something, and we are normally more emotional during a full Moon. The emphasis is on creative self-expression through innovation, originality, and/or just being different or unique. There could be new innovations and discoveries. Friendships are important as are groups and group endeavors.

It will be completely visible over Eastern Africa, and Central Asia, seen rising over South America, Western Africa, and Europe, and setting over Eastern Asia, and Australia.

The lunar eclipse in Aquarius will affect the high tech. industry and astrology. Mars is the lord of this eclipse and indicates a likelihood of aggressive actions. Social unrest seems likely, and war is not out of the question. The eclipse point is squared by transiting Uranus (in Taurus) and Jupiter (in Scorpio). The configuration is a difficult or hard one, and there is a lot of explosive energy involved that will need to be released in some manner. Some sort of violence looks almost inevitable in such a chart. The type of conflict is likely to involve high tech. techniques and strategies … perhaps cyber warfare. However, use of atomic energy could also occur with Jupiter in Scorpio. While Mars is the lord of the eclipse, Jupiter rules the chart. So, friendships (abroad) and groups are quite important here.

For the US, the eclipse falls in the second house in the eclipse chart over Washington DC. The lunar eclipse in Aquarius will affect the national budget and the treasury, the banking industry, the stock market, and trade. There is a great deal of emphasis on monetary issues in this chart. There could be issues with pensions, taxes, and insurance. Transiting Jupiter falls in the eleventh house in this chart, and the escalating trade war with our friends abroad could expand and worsen. Transiting Uranus occurs in the fifth house in this chart and financial risk taking and/or extravagance could result in disastrous, surprising, and sudden results. The judiciary could be involved, and there could be costs to the public for legislative action. It looks like we are going to continue to experience some wide swings in the stock market. More (gun) violence at entertainment venues could occur and folks are encouraged to be watchful, perceptive, and vigilant when heading out. The Ascendant in the chart is located conjunct fixed star Antares which does not bode well for peace and tranquility. It’s another indicator of disruption, violence, and war (unfortunately). The Sun in the eighth could indicate the death of a prominent leader or statesman.

Venus is located in the ninth house and conjunct the MC in this chart indicating that a woman (perhaps of foreign descent) could become a prominent leader. Women will be quite important in whatever happens in the coming months, and I suspect will be quite influential and powerful in the upcoming midterm elections. There is also an element of mystery and/or glamour, deception, or delusion here with Neptune in opposition. This Venusian effect should provide some relief to the monetary woes indicated in this chart. Powerful relationships and marriage are emphasized.

Mercury is in apparent retrograde in the chart. There will be communications problems and misunderstandings. It falls in the ninth house, so there could be problems with the airline industry - mix ups, delayed flights, and that sort of thing. And, it’s not a good time to enter into agreements with foreign nations. Information could be withheld or incorrect. The two sides could have different ideas about the meaning of the agreement. There could be delays, confusion, and/or other problems in selecting and affirming a new US Supreme Court justice.

If you’d like a personalized astrological reading and/or consultation, please take a look at Ricksterscope Special Offers And Reports.

1 comment:

  1. Scary! I just read my personal horoscope on, which told me, that there are coming bad times for me in august and september. But your news here are even more scary. I wish there would be some good news too!
