September 11, 2015 Weekend Ricksterscope

5R’s – Incredible   to 1R – Awful

Aries – The Moon transits your sixth house of health and work. It’s likely that you have your share of work to do this weekend. Fortunately, you are self-confident and energetic. At the same time, you might wonder if you are doing the right thing with your life. Make decisions based on your own views and what you know as opposed to listening to negativity from others. Others seek you out on Sunday night as your popularity is on the rise. Your peoples skills are good then. This Saturday’s solar eclipse also occurs in your health and work sector. Handle any health issues that might arise.    RRR

Taurus – You could be quite world-weary right now, but your playful and creative side emerges this weekend, nevertheless. By all means, do have fun but don’t overdo it. Make it an early night on Sunday in terms of entertainment as the Moon transits your work sector. You have quite a bit of energy, so you might even want to get a head start on Monday. The solar eclipse hits a very sensitive point in your chart on Saturday. You may think that the world is a cruel place, and it can be. It’s okay to escape for a while, but you cannot escape indefinitely. Accept the world as it is, and work to make it better.  RRRR

Gemini – You don’t usually want to stay at home on a summer weekend, but this weekend might be the exception as the Moon transits your home and family sector. And, you might also want to spend time with someone you care for deeply, and discuss the good old days. Take the time to appreciate how much love you give to and receive from others. At work, your ethical standards are quite high, and you have the energy to get the job done. The eclipse occurs in your house of home and foundational concerns. No, you cannot escape the basics, especially during the next few months. But, you will be building a foundation for your future, You’ll need it, as we all do. Jupiter’s transit will make it a bit easier, and perhaps even fun. You could be tempted to get angry about something at home on Sunday. Don’t.  RRRR

Cancer – You may have a lot to say this weekend. Speak your mind, but remember that emotions are running high with the solar eclipse on Saturday. Your mind and your thinking are speeded up on Friday, and you could get some very interesting and exciting insights seemingly out of thin air. You might also make some interesting new friends. You’ll likely want to stay in and close to home and hearth on Sunday evening. You probably won’t be alone, however. The romantic flames will be burning bright, and your libido is ready for love. RRRRR

Leo – Check your finances this weekend. Could it be that you’ve been a bit over-confident in this area lately? Now is the time to straighten it out since Jupiter is now also in your money house. Community activities move to the forefront later on Sunday. Enjoy time with neighbors and friends. Your testosterone level is off the charts this weekend. You’ll need to find an outlet for all that (sexual?) energy. We should all be so fortunate. The different aspects of your personality are in harmony with each other, which should make life less difficult (and, more fun). Use your power creatively on Sunday.  RRRRR

Virgo – You are the star of the show this weekend, and it is definitely wish upon a star time. What do you wish for? Go for it. You don’t usually like surprises, but we suspect that you’ll love the unexpected this weekend. You are benevolent and friendly toward both friends and new acquaintances. Money could be an issue in some way on Sunday evening. While your partner is important to you now, so are friends; and, friends can be refreshing and helpful. It’s a time to widen your friendship circle. You’re experiencing life with greater emotional intensity. Good for you. RRRRR+

Libra – You’re usually a very sociable person, but you could be hard to find this weekend. It could be that it’s time to pull back and get some needed R & R. You might also want to make plans for the future. Your mind is likely to be quite stimulated. Perhaps, do some writing? Nevertheless, you could show up on the scene at the last minute on Sunday evening just to surprise everyone. They’ll ask questions, but you needn’t answer. You might want to take Monday and Tuesday off next week. You could be in the midst of a creative revolution. RRRR

Scorpio – Your friends are important to you this weekend, and virtually no one is more loyal to family and friends than Scorpio. The eclipse occurs in your friendship sector, so this influence will linger much longer than the weekend (probably months – or more). You could also realize a longed for dream. But, you’re interested in good times right now, and not working. You could be a bit indulgent. It’s time to vanish on Sunday evening; something else you’re very good at. Make creative changes and reforms in your relationships. RRRRR

Sagittarius – You certainly have responsibilities this weekend, and a force to be reckoned with, you are definitely in charge. You could be dealing with some hurt feelings on Friday, but you’ll get through it with optimism and good will. You have the energy for creative intellectual work and for expressing your views. Be careful if traveling. Sunday morning is quite pleasant, and you feel warm and generous. Come Sunday evening, you’ll want to wind down and spend some time with friends. RRRR

Capricorn – Forget business and look for a new adventure this weekend. Perhaps, a weekend outing is what is called for. But, the same old is not likely to make you happy now. A new kind of music (to you) might help. Jupiter is prodding you to expand your horizons. The unexpected happens on Friday. Friendship takes on added importance on Saturday. You have great sensitivity to beauty on Sunday. Love could be in the air as well. Be careful with spending, however. Professional concerns recapture your interest by Sunday evening. RRRRR

Aquarius – Your desire for independence is usually strong, but you will want to spend time with someone special this weekend. That is where the excitement and surprises lie. But, be careful of ego conflicts. That won’t solve anything. You’ll need to calm down on Saturday morning. Fascinating thoughts pass through your mind at lightning speed. You’re self-assured and confident on Sunday, and you act responsibly. The demands of the world are in balance with your emotional needs at this time. You can take advantage of other peoples’ insights of age. Don’t obsess on your dark side. Yes, you have one, but so does everyone else. Just make sure that you control it, rather than the other way around. RRRR

Pisces – Others seek you out, and you tend to be quite popular this weekend. You might want to get used to this. Your energy levels may be fairly high, but there could be a conflict between home and work issues. That may throw you off balance a bit, but you’ll work it out. Don’t bottle up pressures. You’re light-hearted on Sunday afternoon, and enjoy being with groups of people. Express your affection for others. You make a good impression on just about everyone you meet. You might feel like shaking up the status quo early Sunday evening. Spend time with someone special later on Sunday night.  RRRR

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