Tuesday, August 18, 2020

2020 US Presidential Election - Michigan

Donald Trump won the state of Michigan by 0.23% (or, a little over 10K votes), but Michigan - like Pennsylvania - is usually a blue state. Prior to 2016, no Republican running for US President had won the state since 1988. The gap is usually a little wider in Michigan compared to Pennsylvania. Obama carried the state by 17 points in 2008 and by 9.5 points in 2012. Trump carried Michigan for some of the same reasons that he won in Pennsylvania. However, in Michigan, Hillary Clinton would have won the state in 2016 had Black voters shown up at the polls in numbers comparable to the Black turnout in 2012. That will not happen in 2020 with Kamala Harris on the ticket.

In Michigan’s horoscope, Mercury is in a trine aspect to Trump’s Uranus/NN/Sun in the tenth house from Aquarius. But, Michigan’s progressed Mars in Libra is conjunct Trump’s N Neptune and squared his N Mercury. Michigan’s N and P Uranus is in opposition to Trump’s N Ascendant and P Sun. Michigan’s P Jupiter and P Venus is conjunct Trumps N Ascendant. So,it’s a mixed bag for Trump.

Michigan’s P Mars in early Libra and N Moon (in the same area) are in trine aspect to Biden’s N Uranus in Gemini and conjunct his N Neptune (in the tenth). But, Michigan’s N and P Uranus in Pisces is in square aspect to Biden’s N Uranus. Michigan’s N Ceres in Pisces is in trine aspect to Biden’s N Sun. This is a mixed bag as well, but it’s better than the Trump synastry. 

On August 18, 2020, Nate Silver’s 538 blog shows the polling average favoring Biden in Michigan by 7.4 points. And, the RCP polling average shows Biden ahead by 6.7 points. I think the race will tighten just a tiny bit - I’d give it to Biden by 6.5 points by election day.

So, I now have Biden winning Pennsylvania and Michigan, and I have Florida as a tossup for now. Next up is Wisconsin. 

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