Monday, March 9, 2020

COVID-19 Fears, The DJI Plunge, And The Eclipses - UPDATED X 2

The stock market (the DJI) plummeted over two thousand points today (March 9, 2020) - at one point safety triggers had to be implemented because the markets had plummeted so far and too fast/quickly. That is a reduction of about 7.8% after several days of thousand point drops. This was as a result of the COVID-19 issue and concerns as well as the reduction in the price of oil on the market.

These issues did not just begin today, but they seemed to have climaxed. It’s been like watching dominoes fall. As transiting Mars has stimulated one Cancer/Capricorn eclipse after the other, things seemed to intensify. 

First, Mars was stimulating the December 25/26, 2019 eclipse around February 24. On that date, the DJI fell 227 points (because of corona virus concerns). That was just the beginning. By the time transiting Mars began to stimulate the July 2, 2019 eclipse, the DJI began to drop more than one thousand points each day. And, today transiting Mars is stimulating the January 5, 2019 eclipse. In this eclipse chart, Jupiter is in a square aspect to Neptune (ruler of the oil industry), and Neptune rules the eighth house in the chart The last two eclipses occurred in opposition to the Sun in the USA chart. The current Administration has been exposed for its lack of expertise and preparedness for such a crisis. It’s likely that it will damage Trump's bid for reelection.    

If you look at each of these eclipses, there are stressful aspects to planets in the fifth, sixth, and eighth houses and/or the planet that rules each of those chart houses. And, we aren’t finished with it yet. Transiting Mars will be stimulating more eclipse points in the coming weeks. In addition, the Sun will begin to stimulate these eclipse points (by square aspect) from the sign of Aries beginning later this month. Buckle your seat belts, folks.

UPDATE 1: Transiting Mars began to stimulate the July 12, 2018 solar eclipse over the weekend of March 14. On Monday, March 16, the DOW fell close to three thousand points (almost 13%). Most state governors are urging social distancing, and some (and, more are being added continuously, it seems) have closed down bars and nightclubs and some restaurants. Some locales (like the Sand Francisco Bay Area) have closed down all non-essential businesses. Overseas in Italy, the COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed hospitals and other health care facilities.

UPDATE 2: Transiting Mars has been stimulating the July 16, 2019 lunar eclipse on March 23 (and the last day or two). That lunar eclipse occurred in the eighth house of joint finances (with the Sun in the second house of money). Congress was unable to pass a stimulus bill to help hurting Americans. And, the stock market continues to decline and lose value.

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