Wednesday, April 22, 2020

June 5, 2020 Lunar Eclipse In Sagittarius

The month of June is eclipse season in 2020. The first eclipse, a lunar eclipse, occurs on June 05, 2020 at 15 degrees Sagittarius. If you are in Asia, Australia, Europe, and Africa, you might see the Moon turn a shade darker during the maximum phase of this penumbral lunar eclipse. You will be affected by this eclipse if you have planets or points between 13 and 17 degrees of Gemini and/or Sagittarius. Most folks will simply experience the eclipse as a full Moon. Full Moons usually indicate a climax or coming to fruition of something, and we are normally more emotional during a full Moon. The emphasis is on higher education, long-distance travel, the law, and foreign cultures. 

The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius will affect the legal/law industry, institutions of higher learning, and the airline industry. Transiting Mars and Neptune in square aspect to the eclipse point is a difficult aspect with a peculiar effect. It could indicate events as a result of the coronavirus, or it could simply indicate that the coronavirus pandemic simply continues and worsens. Transiting Venus (in apparent retrograde) opposes the eclipse point indicating difficulty with one on one relationships. How do we relate to one another during this very difficult time period?

For the US, the eclipse falls in the third house in the eclipse chart over Washington DC. It could affect the automobile industry, education, and communications issues and industries. And, the effects are mostly negative since the eclipse point is part of a t-square pattern with Neptune and Mars in Pisces in square aspect and the Sun and Venus in an opposition. Neptune is in the sixth house of health, and the planet rules the sixth house as well. So, this indicates continued health care issues. With Mars conjunct Neptune, it looks particularly difficult. We could, however, get good news from afar with Mercury in the ninth house. This house also rules doctors and the medical industry. Mercury trines Mars and sextiles Uranus (in the seventh - partners). The Sun shines a light on the death toll as it conjoins Venus in the eighth. Venus also rules the eighth house of death in this chart.

This eclipse can also affect the employment situation in the nation. And, indeed we are experiencing widespread unemployment already.

The eclipse point is fairly close to an opposition to Trump’s natal Uranus/Node/Sun and conjunct his natal Moon. The eclipse is probably not close enough for it to affect him in a personal way. However, since he is the President of the USA, he is a larger public figure. So, this eclipse will likely affect him in the eyes of the public, and in a negative way.

Dates to look at for this eclipse (when the eclipse point is stimulated) -- 6/02/20 - 6/08/20; 9/05/20 - 9/09/20; 12/04/20 - 12/08/20; 3/25/21 - 4/02/21. 

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