Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Ethiopian Airlines Crash - Updated

ET -302 went down about six minutes after takeoff from the airport in Addis Ababa (departure at 8:38 AM local time on March 10, 2019). The crash occurred about thirty-one miles south of Addis Ababa - very close to Debre Zeyt. The airplane used was manufactured by an American company - Boeing (a new 737 - 8 MAX).

In the aftermath of the crash, many nations around the world grounded the Boeing 737 - 8 MAX planes that flew in their airspace. The US was a notable holdout here till the announcement on March 13 by President Trump to ground the planes. Many experts point to a defect in the MCAS flight-control feature that they say caused the aircraft to point the nose downward soon after takeoff - and causing the aircraft to lose altitude and lift. A software fix to this issue was originally scheduled to be released in early January 2019, but was delayed - mostly because of the federal government shutdown that went on for thirty-five days.

In terms of the astrological analysis of this event, I believe it relates to the Saturn/Pluto conjunction (it’s very close to exact now, but does not actually occur until next January (around January 12, depending on where you live). There were also a number of eclipses stimulated at the time of the crash as well - one in particular. The events chart is at the end of this article. And, you will see that the MC is almost exactly on the midpoint between transiting Saturn and Pluto.

The most important eclipse that was stimulated at the time is the lunar eclipse of August 7, 2017. That eclipse was at 15 Aquarius, and Mars was squaring this eclipse point at 16 Taurus. In my blog post for this eclipse, I wrote:

For the US, the eclipse falls in the third house in the eclipse chart over Washington DC. The lunar eclipse in Aquarius will affect the airline industry …


There could be power struggles with regard to preparing the nation’s budget and other financial concerns.

As you will recall, the shutdown was as a result of a deep disagreement between Trump and Congress about funding his wall on the Southern border.

Update 1: On December 23, 2019 we got news that the CEO of Boeing had been fired at least partially for this issue - just as transiting Mercury conjoined Jupiter in the event chart below.

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