The above photo is from Zimbio
Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to be the next Supreme Court of the United States justice a couple of months ago - following the resignation of Justice Kennedy. Since that time, a woman (Christine Blasey Ford) has come forward accusing Judge Kavanaugh of attempted rape (from back in 1982). The two were in high school at the time.
Judge Kavanaugh was born on February 12, 1965 in Washington DC. I do not have the exact time of birth, so it is impossible to make a precise prediction of the accuracy of the claims against him. But, we can make a few astrological observations. I’ve drawn his natal chart up for a birth time of Noon that day.
I would suspect hard aspect between Venus and Mars and/or the Moon and Mars in the chart of a potential rapist, and I would also expect some malefic outer planetary influence as well. Judge Kavanaugh has natal Venus in a sesquiquadrate aspect to natal Mars. This is a hard aspect, but it’s a minor one. He also has natal Pluto/Uranus inconjunct natal Venus. That is also a hard aspect, but it is also a minor aspect. The Moon and Mars do not make any aspects in this chart. However, had he been born earlier in the day, we would have seen a square aspect from the Moon and Mars. So, it’s possible that he has natal Moon squaring natal Mars.
So, based on this astrological analysis, I would say that the allegations are possibly true, but we would need further information to be very confident of such a prediction.
Judge Kavanaugh’s natal Mercury is squaring his natal Neptune. This does not necessarily mean that he is lying or that he often lies, but it does mean that it’s possible (and, more possible with this aspect). Some folks manifest this aspect as being very imaginative and creative. It’s helpful in that way, but it could also be an indication of an individual who plays fast and loose with the truth (like Trump seems to be). I don’t really know enough about Judge Kavanaugh to know how it manifests in his chart. But, hopefully we will get to the truth.
Mrs. Ford has taken and passed a polygraph test which adds a great deal to her credibility. It is unclear at this time as to whether or not the Republicans in the Senate will allow the Kavanaugh nomination to be delayed or not. We’ll see.
There will be a hearing on Monday with both Kavanaugh and Ford before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Developments came is quite quickly today. The Sun is stimulating the September 16, 2016 lunar eclipse in Pisces. Kavanaugh's natal Mars is at 26 Virgo. In addition, transiting Mars is squaring transiting Uranus tomorrow.
I decided to check out some asteroids (in Kavanaugh's chart). His natal Bacchus is at 2 Capricorn, which puts it in square aspect to Kavanaugh's natal Mars and (perhaps) in opposition to his natal Moon. Asteroid Bacchus has to do with group sex and orgies along with the use of drugs. And, that certainly sounds like what happened.