Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Good Luck And Opportunities Horoscope For 2022


We call the planet Jupiter the Greater Benefic for good reason. When Jupiter transits the natal planets in our charts, we often receive fortunate things and people that seem lucky for us into our lives, and we very often get a feeling of well being and generosity. Joy is a big part of it. Generally speaking, Jupiter brings his greatest gifts when conjunct one’s natal Sun, natal Ascendant, and/or natal Jupiter. Sometimes folks expect too much, however. A Jupiter transit might not indicate that you’ll win the lottery, but it can bring some very fine and beneficial events and other things into our lives. Jupiter is our largest planet by far, and it is a gaseous planet (no wonder it rules good humor). This planet enters the sign of Pisces in December of 2021, and will remain there (for the most part) till December of 2022. Jupiter will enter Aries for a brief stay in May and will retrograde back into Pisces in late October of 2022. Below is your good luck and opportunities forecast based on Jupiter’s transit through Pisces (and Aries).

Aries –  This last year, you probably had many opportunities presented through the groups that you belong to. And, your good luck might have occurred through them. Friendships were probably fortunate for you as well. This year, it might be a bit difficult to see opportunities and good luck. But, they will occur. It’s just that these opportunities will occur somewhat behind the scenes or perhaps in the more spiritual realm. You might have opportunities to help others less fortunate than yourself. You will grow as a person if you accept these opportunities. It may seem that Something or Someone up there is looking out for you this year. And, you might sense that something big is headed your way. It is, and many of you will experience just that during the period of May through October. Opportunities of all kinds head your way during that period.    

Taurus - You have probably had numerous opportunities in the professional and public image realm this last year. You might have been given a promotion with more responsibility, or this promotion might have occurred through a new job. Group endeavors are favored this year. Your opportunities are likely to occur through the groups that you belong to and that is also where you will find your good luck. Going it alone is not advised during this period. Just remember social distancing guidelines.  And, this year you can expect many opportunities through your friends, and you might feel that your friends are lucky for you. Some of you will probably manifest a long cherished wish, goal, or dream. 

Gemini – During the last year, your opportunities and luck came through foreign cultures and foreign travel, higher education, the law, and perhaps doctors. It was a growth transit and you probably experienced numerous opportunities to expand your mind (even if you didn’t notice them). Some of you probably traveled abroad, or benefited through someone of a different ethnicity than yourself. Some of you might have benefited through legal proceedings and others of you through higher educational opportunities. Your opportunities and good fortune will occur through your profession and public image during the next year. You might get a promotion or attain a new job with more responsibility. You’ll be in the spotlight to some extent, and others might look up to you for your leadership abilities. You might benefit through authority figures of all types - including either one of your parents. During the period of May through October, you could benefit through groups that you belong to or through your friendships.

Cancer – You can expect growth and opportunities in a number of areas during the next year. You might receive an opportunity to travel abroad. If so, you should take advantage of those opportunities and expect to learn something from this adventure. You might benefit from the legal process. This is a good time to learn something new and go deeper into the subject area you’re interested in, because Jupiter rules higher education. Mind expansion occurs easily and in a fun way. People (especially those from other cultures) that enter your life now may be able to teach you very valuable lessons that will broaden and enrich your life in many ways. During the period of May through October, your public image surfaces and in a positive and fortunate way. 

Leo – The previous year might have brought you opportunities to meet new people and network. Partnerships could have been fortunate for you. This year, some of those one on one relationships could deepen. If you’re looking for a sexual relationship, this year could bring you a good one. You could also benefit from actions resulting from insurance, taxes, credit/loans issues, and perhaps an inheritance. Joint finances are blessed under this year’s Jupiter transit. You might also benefit from certain stock market investments. Mind expansion exercises (such as foreign travel) could be of benefit to you during the period of May through October.   

Virgo – The last year has brought you many opportunities for work, and you might have gotten a number of job offers (for better jobs). Your health might have improved as well. However, this year you will likely find luck and opportunities through others. One on one relationships are blessed this year. That might occur through business partnerships, love relationships, or any other kind of one on one relationship. You could meet the love of your life through this transit (if that’s what you’re looking for). Or, a business partnership could pay big dividends in the next year. It could involve other types of partnerships as well (familial, friendship, etc.). During the period of May through October, partnership finances are blessed.  

Libra –  This last year, you likely benefited through creative efforts or perhaps a love relationship. Children might have been a big part of your life this last year. This year, you will likely have opportunities for better jobs and work. You’ll likely have more work to do. This is especially true if you work in the healthcare industry. You might benefit through co-workers or employees who work for you. And, this transit should benefit your overall health and well being. You would definitely benefit through a new health regimen. And, your daily routine should benefit through this transit. This might not seem exciting, but this transit can provide very fortunate benefits nevertheless. One on one relationships are blessed during the period of May through October of this year.

Scorpio – This last year, you probably had opportunities through your family and home. Perhaps, you expanded your home through a home improvement project or added a family member. This year, your creative opportunities increase and expand. You might be surprised as to how creative you become. In addition, a new and beneficial love interest could enter your life, and your opportunities for love should increase. Your romantic life could blossom. Children might become more important in your life. A child could delight you and add joy to your life. Spread some of that joy around (remembering social distancing guidelines). You are especially “in luck” if you work in a creative industry or the entertainment industry. During Jupiter’s brief Aries transit, you might experience better health and greater joy in your daily life. You might land a desired job then as well.

Sagittarius – This last year, you probably benefited through your associations with neighbors and siblings. Communications issues and short distant travel might have added joy to your life. This year, it is your home and your family that will add joy to your life and provide you with opportunities. You might add a member to your family. Or, you might expand your home through a home improvement project. You might acquire a new, bigger, and better home. Pay close attention to older family members. They can provide you with a sense of well being and security at this time. You might feel that family members are lucky for you. During the period of May through October, you could get lucky in love (if you’re available). You might also see your creative potential surge. 

Capricorn – Jupiter’s transit through Aquarius has likely provided you with various monetary opportunities over the last year, and your financial position has probably improved. This year, you will be provided with opportunities through neighbors and siblings, communications issues, and short distance travel. You will probably communicate in a more positive and optimistic manner. Your community is important this year. If you do a lot of socializing this year, be sure to keep necessary social distancing in mind (and, wear your mask if needed). Your sense of well being comes through communicating with others this year. Some of you might purchase a new and better automobile. Short trips might add a great amount of joy to your life. Real estate, home, and family matters are favored during the period of May through October of 2022.

Aquarius –  This last year has provided you with all types of opportunities, and most of them were probably very personal to you. It might have been a positive and favorable year for you in spite of adversity. This year, monetary issues are blessed. You will have opportunities to make more money and to increase your financial wealth. But, you should not stop there. You have the opportunity to find out and to delve into your own values. What is it that is important to you. If you know and understand this, the current transit will be that much more satisfying and enriching. You might want to share some of that increased wealth with others less fortunate than yourself. Communications issues are favored during the period of May through October 2022.

Pisces -- This last year might have been one of anticipation for you. Your opportunities and good fortune might have come in spiritual form or perhaps behind the scenes. But, you might have sensed that something big was coming. Well, it’s now here. Jupiter transits your sign (for the most part) till the end of December of 2022. All types of opportunities to expand and enrich your life will likely come to you this year. You will simply need to remain perceptive and accept these opportunities. You might also have the chance or opportunity to travel abroad. This is also a growth transit. You can easily learn much that will help you in the future. You could benefit financially during the period of May through October. This might be a good time to consider or reconsider what you value. The only possible negative issue this year is that your waistline might expand along with everything else. Just a bit of restraint will help with any problems that you encounter in that regard, and will help to make this one of the best years of your life.

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