Tuesday, November 16, 2021

December 3/4 Total Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius


Our final eclipse of 2021 will be a  solar eclipse on December 4, and it occurs at 12 degrees and 22 minutes Sagittarius. The total phase of this total solar eclipse can only be seen in Antartica. However, part of Southern Africa, including locations in South Africa and Namibia, will see a partial solar eclipse, if the weather permits. Parts of southern Australia and southern parts of South America will also see at least a partial solar eclipse. This eclipse could affect the airline industry, the legal industry and profession, religious organizations, and higher education. The lord of this eclipse is Mercury (since it is so close to the eclipse point), therefore communications, short distance travel, and the media are very important matters related to this eclipse. There is great potential for confusion and/or deception with this eclipse as Mercury squares Neptune. Be wary of what you hear.

For the USA, the focus is on finances - probably next year’s budget and the human infrastructure bill. With Mars squaring Jupiter in the chart over Washington DC, there is the likelihood of excessive expectations with regard to financial affairs, Inflation could be a part of the problem and scenario. However, with Mars in trine aspect to Neptune, there is still the potential for great progress toward an ideal. With Neptune in the fifth house, matters related to children are favored and should move forward. Love is in the air with Mars sextiling Venus (and Pluto). It looks like some very pleasant events could occur on the home front as Venus is conjunct the IC in the chart. Power and intensity are a part of the happenings as Pluto joins Venus there. However, the push/pull effects of the 2021 Saturn/Uranus square continue to plague us (at least a bit). Saturn (in Aquarius) is sextiling the eclipse point, so hard work and thinking outside the box will help greatly.  

As always, this eclipse will affect you personally if you have planets and/or points conjunct or opposite the eclipse point (only a two degree orb). Those planets or points between 10 and 14 degrees of Sagittarius and/or Gemini are included. Eclipses are Uranian in nature in that what happens is unexpected, and you might not even be certain as to what is happening for six months. For a solar eclipse, it takes about a year for the event to completely mature. Whether the eclipse is experienced as positive or negative depends on the planet that is conjoined or opposed, it’s place in your chart, the condition that the planet is in, and whether and how you might have prepared for what is happening (i.e. free will). If you’d like to know if you have planets or points that fall into this range, let me know. For most people, it will be experienced simply as a New Moon type event. Those are generally felt as the start of something new or a new beginning.

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