Monday, May 10, 2021

May 26, 2021 Super Moon Lunar Eclipse In Sagittarius


Late May begins the next eclipse season of 2021. The first eclipse, a lunar eclipse, occurs on May 26, 2021 at 5 degrees Sagittarius. If in Australia, parts of the western USA, western South America, or South-East Asia, you will see a Super Full Moon totally eclipsed for about fourteen minutes, weather permitting. You will be affected by this eclipse if you have planets or points between 3 and 7 degrees of Gemini and/or Sagittarius. Most folks will simply experience the eclipse as a full Moon. Full Moons usually indicate a climax or coming to fruition of something, and we are normally more emotional during a full Moon. The emphasis is on higher education, long-distance travel, the law, and foreign cultures. 

The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius will affect the legal/law industry, institutions of higher learning, and the airline industry. Transiting Mars in opposition to transiting Pluto indicates that we will likely have more problems related to the coronavirus worldwide. The enormous crisis affecting India currently could begin to influence other nations in the region. The same might be said for Brazil as well. Nevertheless, transiting Neptune trining transiting Mars and sextiling transiting Pluto tends to suggest that some countries will continue to benefit from the coronavirus vaccines. 

For the US, the eclipse falls in the sixth house in the eclipse chart over Washington DC. It could affect the healthcare industry, the labor force, and the way we continue to live our daily lives. Changes are coming and it looks fairly positive and hopeful, however we may have a problem with exaggerated expectations with transiting Jupiter squaring the eclipse point (and the Sun in Gemini). Saturn and Uranus continue their square aspect suggesting the same push/pull effect that we’ve been experiencing - especially with regard to political issues (Saturn in the ninth house). Democrats want to race forward with a progressive agenda as the GOP wants to continue to put up roadblocks. The Mars/Pluto opposition points to power struggles with regard to finances and budgetary issues. Biden’s infrastructure proposal/bill may face some challenges. The opposition also points to the potential for more gun violence. This problem is not likely to go away without some sort of action or gun control legislation. Mercury on the Ascendant points to quite a bit of news coming forward. Much of it should sound pretty good with Venus in conjunction, but it might not all be accurate with Neptune in square aspect.

This eclipse occurs in conjunction to President Biden’s Ascendant. Both he and Vice-President Harris will continue to want to go BIG with regard to their proposals and plans for the nation.

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