Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Killing Of Qassim Suleimani And The Eclipses

Qassim Suleimani, a very high ranking Iraqi general, was killed very early in the morning on January 3, 2020. President Trump had ordered that a drone would fire missiles at the airport where Suleimani would be in an effort to "terminate" him.

Suleimani and Trump share some very interesting chart comparisons. Suleimani was born on March 11, 1957 in Iraq (time unknown). Tehran is the only city that I can pull up within Iraq (on, so I am using that as his birth place. Suleimani’s natal Mars is at 25 Taurus. That is very close to Trump’s natal MC and fixed star Algol. And, Suleimani’s natal Pluto is in square aspect (to that Mars placement) at 28 Leo. That point (28 Leo) is very close to Trump’s natal Ascendant and Mars. At the time, transiting Mars was stimulating the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse (at 28 Leo - the Great American Eclipse) and the February 15. 2018  solar eclipse (at 27 Aquarius) by square aspect from Scorpio. 

In my blog post for the February 15, 2018 solar eclipse, I wrote the following:

“This solar eclipse falls opposite of President Trump’s natal Mars and his natal Ascendant. Therefore, this eclipse is directly related to him. This eclipse is related to the August 21, 2018 solar eclipse in Leo that we experienced last year. In this Astrologer’s mind, Trump has not dealt with Mars-type issues well in his life. This could be because Mars falls in his twelfth house but conjunct his Ascendant. He doesn’t seem aware of how his anger issues and his aggressive actions toward others undermine his objectives. Nevertheless, he does have the opportunity to do something unique, surprising, positive, and successful. My guess is that he will sabotage himself. The eclipse occurs in square aspect to his MC and progressed Vertex, so whatever happens is not likely to increase his popularity among the public.”

The natal chart I used for Suleimani is below:

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