5R’s – Incredible to 1R
– Awful
We begin the
weekend with the Moon transiting friendly and sociable Gemini. Conversations
are lively with the Moon sextile to Uranus Friday evening. The Moon moves into
family-oriented and emotional Cancer late on Saturday afternoon. Mercury
continues its retrograde motion, so communications snafus continue.
Aries – Speak
your mind on Friday and Saturday this weekend. You might also have an issue
with a neighbor or sibling. Let others challenge your ideas as this may broaden
your thinking. Don’t argue with an older woman or family member. Head on home Saturday night. Home and family
are important then. You feel contented and benevolent. You’re experiencing life
with greater emotional intensity. Nevertheless, your libido level is set on
high this weekend. If your partner is in the mood, s/he will be quite
fortunate. These aspects also enhance your creativity. Sunday is a bit
different. You might be hyper-critical then, which would be an indication that
you are repressing your emotions. RRRR
Taurus –
Financial issues surface this weekend on Friday and Saturday during the day. Be
careful as Mercury doing the backward dance could cause errors and mistakes.
Someone could take advantage of your good nature on Friday, but it’s not too
serious. Catch up on answering email and phone calls the remainder of the
weekend. Hang out with friends and neighbors in the evening. You are able to
take decisive action on Saturday. Early afternoon looks especially pleasant
with warm and affectionate feelings between you and others. However, on Sunday
there seems to be a gulf between you and others. You might feel isolated. RRRR
Gemini –
The time is right to go for what you want on Friday and Saturday this weekend
as the Moon shines on your sign. Face the truth about the hidden aspects of
your life and yourself. They really aren’t that bad and could be a source of
strength (if you face and control these things). You might be shown the
spiritual dimensions of your life. You’ll probably want to help others. You
tend to be very idealistic now. You feel as though you can handle almost
anything on Saturday, but remain realistic and don’t get in over your head.
Look for small but pleasant gestures from those around you. Money issues need
to be handled on Sunday. Check for mistakes or errors. A partnership matter
takes an unexpected turn on Sunday as well. It’s probably temporary but exciting
nevertheless. RRRRR
Cancer – You
could be slow to get going this weekend. You’re probably nowhere to be found
until Saturday evening. You’re likely to be very sensitive to other people’s
moods, and you’re willing to lend them a sympathetic and friendly ear. Then you
enter the scene all smiles. What would make you smile even bigger? Go for it. You
may have some big plans on Saturday. The details might trip you up if you’re
not careful. Your partner needs a lover, not a father on Saturday night. Give
him/her some space. Your imagination is stimulated on Sunday producing some
lovely dreams. You might want to shake things up on Sunday night. RRRRR
Leo –
Good times with friends are to be had the first part of this weekend. Zero in
on what or whom you want. It’s a time of increased optimism and
self-confidence. Others look to you for leadership. Your mind is clear on Friday,
and you’re good with details. You could be a bit restless, however. You want
your relationships to be dependable and stable. You’re able to work with others
effectively on Saturday. Socialize during the day. You’re unlikely to be found
Saturday night and Sunday. Perhaps you just need a little down time. RRRR
Virgo –
You are in charge on Friday night and Saturday this week. You have quite a few
responsibilities, and you handle them effectively and efficiently as usual. You
could be drawn to some unusually intense and powerful people. You’re quite
curious about unfamiliar facts and new ideas. Chat away. Forget about work and
get together with friends the remainder of the weekend. A good time will be had
by all. A love relationship could blossom on Saturday, and if you’re a creative
type, that is enhanced as well. Expect the unexpected on Sunday. Don’t expect
things to go as planned. Go with the flow, and you’ll be just fine. Surprising
energy could burst out everywhere. RRRRR
Libra –
Reach out to someone at a distance or someone who is quite different than you
are on Friday. Exchange ideas, and see if this person’s ideas work for you.
You’re feeling quite amorous on Friday. You have a chance to resolve something
so that it will be less of a burden in the future. Your mind is stimulated, and
you can break out of a mental rut. You are in demand from Saturday evening on
into Sunday. Career and professional issues are important. You’re very curious
on Saturday. Speak your mind as you can get through to others. However, you may
need to keep a tight rein on yourself on Sunday. You are a bit like the
forbidden fruit: seductive and dangerous. RRRRR
Scorpio – Spending
time with that one special someone is what you want to do on Friday and the first
part of Saturday. Your emotional encounters are intense. You have idealistic
goals, and you will likely want to help others at this time. Personal
interchanges are favored. You could be tempted to gamble. If so, know and
understand the risks. You’ll want to look for something different or out of the
ordinary the remainder of the weekend. A short trip or a good movie could work.
You feel contented and at ease on Saturday, however your libido is quite
strong. You probably have a lot to say on Sunday. Go ahead and speak your mind.
Use your power creatively. RRRRR
Sagittarius – Defer
on Friday and part of Saturday. You’re popular and others want your attention. Let
someone else make the first move. Nevertheless, you can get your point across.
But, consider others’ sensitivities. Look for fresh new viewpoints as well.
Thoughts could flash through your mind at lightning speed. Spend time with one
special person or get to know someone better the reminder of the weekend. You
try to live through your feelings as well as your intellect on Sunday. It’s a
time of balance and equilibrium in your life. You understand your own emotions
as well as those of others. RRRRR
Capricorn – You’re
busy at work on Friday. As a matter of fact, you might even have to go in for a
while on Saturday. You are warm and friendly to others. And, you will be
successful at patterning your world as you wish. On Saturday evening, however,
others seek you out. Your popularity is on the rise. You might feel assertive,
but step back for now. Try not to confuse others on Sunday. It could be that
your actions and your words are not consistent. Your feelings are intense,
nevertheless. RRRR
Aquarius –
Your playfulness is impressive on Friday and Saturday this weekend. Flirt away.
Creativity is also abundant in your life. Write, play music, or paint. It’s all
good. Romantic relationships are also favored. Don’t let the intimacy scare you
away. You’re assertive, and your energy level is high. Find common ground with
someone. You may have work to do the remainder of the weekend. You have the
discipline and the concentration to get a lot done. Long range planning is
favored. Nothing escapes your perspicacity. The unexpected occurs Sunday
afternoon. Stay calm. You might even enjoy the surprise. RRRRR
Pisces – You
enjoy home and family on Friday and Saturday this weekend. You’re able to relax
and enjoy yourself. Your thinking is clear and precise. But, it’s time to go
out and play the rest of the weekend. Fun, games, and romance abound. You might
have something to celebrate. You may need to let off some steam. Energy flows
easily and smoothly, and life seems a little easier on Sunday. You seek more
profound experiences on Sunday night. Superficiality does not impress you.
You’re looking for something deeper and more meaningful. In some ways, it may
seem as if you are starting a new life. RRRR