Miscellaneous Astrological Musings - August 6, 2024


Much has been said (by the media) about VP Kamala Harris bringing fun back into politics. VP Harris has natal Sun in the fifth house. Folks with this placement of the Sun tend to be very creative (singers, artists, etc.) and are able to bring joy to others through their creative efforts. So, it’s no surprise to me that she wants to bring joy and a sense of happiness to others. It should be quite helpful to her campaign for the presidency.

VP Harris has chosen Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota to be her vice-presidential pick for the ticket. Gov. Walz is an Aries, which is a natural partner for a Libra such as VP Harris. 

It appears that eclipses are playing a role in this year’s presidential election. The April 20, 2023 solar eclipse occurred in opposition to VP Harris’ natal Sun in Libra and conjunct her natal Moon in Aries. Transiting Jupiter was very close to this eclipse point at the time and may have aided in the events to occur. President Biden exited the race and endorsed VP Harris on July 21, 2024 as the Sun was activating/stimulating that eclipse point by square aspect. Interestingly, this eclipse point is also conjunct Gov. Walz’s natal Jupiter. 

The April 8, 2024 solar eclipse occurred in conjunction to Gov. Walz’s natal Sun and (likely) progressed Moon in Aries. The rest of this year and next year is likely to be quite interesting and eventful for the Governor. Also of interest is that transiting Jupiter is conjunct Walz’s progressed Sun right now. 

The above is mostly about Mundane Astrology. If you’re interested in how eclipses might affect you, my friend and fellow astrologer, Jacqueline Bigar, wrote this about eclipses:

Eclipse Frenzy: Where Is The Popcorn Remember the movie or movies when an eclipse occurs and the primitive people of that film script think the world is ending? Sometimes when I see people upset with the knowledge but not the understanding of an eclipse, I am reminded of those scenes. The sky darkens, the winds etc.. Yes, the world is ending.  

Eclipses really are no big deal unless one of your planets is hit by them and within 2 degrees. That is where it ends and begins. So pull back if you are nervous about eclipses.

Eclipses are about conjunctions and oppositions. Those planets hit in conjunction and opposition are most likely to be hit with the 2 degree range and this is a large orb. Trust me, as one who has worked with eclipses on people's chart a lot. 

The timing is such (for a lunar eclipse): within seven days you will have a clue as to what it means. 1 month more. 6 months you are sure of the issue and the implications. 12 months are a marker but completion takes 18 months.  

For a solar eclipse: One week, three months, six months and finally a year, at which point you can see the total picture. One can rarely imagine the outcome at the beginning because of the Uranian activity and the individualization of each chart, even those with near identical charts.

I think that is a pretty good summary.

A gentleman in San Francisco experienced an eclipse on his natal Uranus on August 21, 2017. This was a solar eclipse, and I suspected that it meant he would be moving out of town about a year from that solar eclipse. His natal Uranus resides in his fourth house and is the ruler of his natal tenth house. He moved to the East Coast on October 1, 2018. He had planned to move on September 1, 2018, but he was delayed - a Mercury retrograde period in August of that year seems to have caused the month-long delay.

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