Astrology For The Week - 10/16/19 Through 10/22/19

On Wednesday, October 16, we’re concerned about practical matters as well as monetary matters for much of the day as the Moon continues to transit the sign of Taurus. The Moon enters the sign of sociable Gemini during the evening hours. We are more in the mood to chat and socialize now.

On Thursday, October 17, transiting Mercury (in Scorpio) is trining transiting Lilith (in Pisces) during the afternoon hours. In addition, the Moon trines transiting Mars (in Libra) just after noon. Some are inclined to pursue romantic and/or erotic relationships.

On Friday, October 18, the Moon opposes transiting Jupiter (in Sagittarius) during the morning hours. We’re in the mood for adventure and to experience more joy in our lives.

On Saturday, October 19, transiting Mercury (in Scorpio) sextiles transiting Pluto (in Capricorn) during the afternoon hours. We’re able to dig deep for answers now. We ask probing questions. The Moon enters Cancer very early in the morning, and we’re in the mood to spend time with family and dealing with domestic issues. The familiar appeals to us now. 

On Sunday, October 20, transiting Venus (in Scorpio) sextiles transiting Saturn (in Capricorn) very early in the morning. Our relationships are practical and most likely strong and enduring today. On the other hand, they might not be very exciting. The Moon opposes transiting Pluto late in the afternoon, and intensity reigns. Someone might be a bit controlling. 

On Monday, October 21, transiting Venus trines transiting Neptune (in Pisces) early in the afternoon. Our relationships could have a spiritual quality about them today. We might also look at others with rose colored glasses (even with the trine aspect). Try to keep your (emotional) feet on the ground. The Moon enters Leo fairly early in the morning, and all the world’s a stage now. Romance and having fun are important to us now - let your light shine. The Moon squares transiting Uranus (in Taurus) late in the afternoon, and the unexpected happens.

On Tuesday, October 22, the Moon sextiles transiting Mars early in the morning. We’re energetic today and in the mood to get some work done. The Moon trines Jupiter later in the evening, and we’re filled with joy and a sense of well-being.

(Note: This horoscope was prepared using the Pacific Standard Time for timing. Other time zones should adjust accordingly.)

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