Astrology For The Week - 12/16/19 Through 12/22/19

On Monday, December 16, we begin the week with the Moon transiting dramatic Leo. The Moon trines the Sun fairly early in the afternoon and then goes void of course. Things were going quite smoothly till that time, but not much happens after that until the Moon enters Virgo much later in the evening. We’ll be in the mood to get things done the next couple of days. Some may also want to focus on health issues.

On Tuesday, December 17, the Moon trines transiting Uranus (in Taurus) and then Jupiter (in Capricorn) very early in the morning. This sets up a grand trine in earth signs, and could be quite fortunate for some folks. Be on the lookout for lucky opportunities. 

On Wednesday, December 18, the Moon opposes transiting Neptune (in Pisces) extremely early in the morning, which might cause some to have some very colorful dreams. Then the Moon sextile transiting Mars (in Scorpio) early in the morning as many awaken. We feel energetic and our emotions are deep. If you have a gym membership, it might be a good time to hit the gym.

On Thursday, December 19, transiting Mars sextiles transiting Saturn (in Capricorn) very early in the morning. We work methodically and patiently to build something up and give it form. In addition, the Moon enters relationship-oriented Libra early in the morning. Our focus is likely on one on one relationships now. Transiting Mercury (in Sagittarius) squares transiting Neptune during the evening hours, which could cause us some confusion about something. Transiting Venus enters Aquarius during the evening hours as well. We are probably looking for unique, exciting, and/or friendly relationships in the next few weeks.

On Friday, December 20, the Moon squares transiting Saturn and Pluto (both in Capricorn) during the afternoon hours. This could lead to feeling down in the dumps, feeling fatigued, and emotionally intense. TGIF and perhaps you can take off early.

On Saturday, December 21, transiting Venus sextiles transiting Chiron (in Aries) very early in the morning. Love has the power to heal, but you’ll have to take advantage of this influence. It won’t just happen. The Sun enters the sign of practical and ambitious Capricorn during the evening hours. Happy birthday to all goats. The Moon enters intense and seductive Scorpio early in the morning. We just might be in the mood for a little erotic fun now. The Moon opposes transiting Uranus about mid morning, and the unexpected happens.

On Sunday, December 22, transiting Venus squares transiting Uranus very early in the morning. An exciting relationship could suddenly and unexpectedly cost you more than you bargained for. Some relationships experience a sort of disruption. In addition, transiting Mars sextiles transiting Pluto early in the morning. You might want a little romp in the hay, but try not to be too pushy about it. On the other hand, we can work with intensity and determination if we need to. The Moon conjoins transiting Mars during the evening hours. It might be a good idea to put on your dancing shoes and work off a little of the frustration that you might have felt earlier in the day. Livin la vida loca!    

(Note: This post/analysis was prepared using the Pacific Standard Time for timing. Other time zones should adjust accordingly.)

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