Astrology For The Week - 11/25/19 Through 12/01/19

On Monday, November 25, we begin the week with the Moon transiting intense Scorpio, We’re concerned with credit, loans, taxes, insurance, and possibly sex. On the other hand, the Moon goes void of course fairly early in the morning, so not much is likely to be resolved. Transiting Venus enters serious and practical Capricorn later in the afternoon. We are likely looking for relationships with some practical value at this time.  

On Tuesday, November 26, the Moon enters adventurous Sagittarius extremely early today. We’re in the mood to learn something new now. The new Moon in Sagittarius occurs early in the morning as well, and we have a chance for a new start in some area. What house does Sagittarius fall on in your chart? Transiting Venus squares transiting Chiron (in Aries) later in the evening, and we’re feeling left out, or perhaps we are a bit reticent to experience an adventure that we really want to have (as a result of our wounds and issues). 

On Wednesday, November 27, transiting Neptune (in Pisces) turns stationary direct very early in the morning. The Moon squares transiting Neptune early in the morning as well. We’re probably feeling a bit off kilter or disoriented today. In addition, some fairly significant events could occur around this time worldwide. Try to stay alert as is possible.

On Thursday, November 28, transiting Mercury (in Scorpio) trines transiting Neptune quite early in the morning. Our rational intellect is working well with our more intuitive side today. Later in the morning, transiting Venus trines transiting Uranus (in Taurus). We could meet some exciting and/or inspiring new people today. Under this influence, one on one relationships have a tendency to begin and end suddenly and have a very exciting quality to them. The Moon enters ambitious Capricorn very early in the morning today, and we are in the mood to advance our professional interests in practical and meaningful ways. It should be a very interesting Thanksgiving Day holiday.

On Friday, November 29, Mercury sextiles transiting Saturn (in Capricorn) mid morning. It’s a good time to do some planning with regard to professional interests or other long term ventures. We’re detail oriented. The Moon conjoins transiting Pluto (in Capricorn) early in the evening, and it could be a rather intense happy hour for some. It might also turn into a very erotic time for some.

On Saturday, November 30, the Moon enters friendly and unique Aquarius just after noon. We’re in the mood to lighten up a bit now and enjoy the company of friends and others. We could experience a bit of excitement very early in the evening as the Moon squares Uranus. The unexpected happens and awakens us.

On Sunday, December 1, the Moon continues its transit through Aquarius and sextile the Sun early in the morning. It should be a fairly peaceful and uneventful Sunday with few astrological aspects. Transiting Venus does sextile Mars on the 3rd and is within aspect today. So, some might have a pleasant romantic interlude.

(Note: This horoscope was prepared using the Pacific Standard Time for timing. Other time zones should adjust accordingly.)

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