The latest news regarding the Trump Administration is that Trump has been acquitted in the Senate and is now emboldened, unleashed, and is seeking revenge and is taking action in that effort. What are the astrological aspects symbolizing this? I’ll explain in the following paragraphs.
First, transiting Mars has been in a trine aspect to Trump’s natal Mars (conjunct his Ascendant) from February 9 through February 12. Actions taken flow fairly smoothly under such an aspect (usually but not always). It also gives the energy and the motivation to take action. However, Trump’s natal Mars is in his twelfth house of self undoing (but, close to his Ascendant). So, these actions are unlikely to work out as he planned (in the long run) or they could backfire later on. In addition, the Sun is in trine aspect to his natal Sun from February 10 through February 12. This is another aspect which indicates that things run quite smoothly (for the time being). But, things will not always go quite as well for Trump as they have been during the last few days. Nevertheless, he has been quite opportunistic.
In the overall scheme of things, this fits in with the upcoming outer-planetary conjunctions (by transit) to the nation’s Pluto in late Capricorn (in some way). Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all conjoin the nation’s Pluto in the coming months. Like it or not, the USA is transforming, and it may not look anything like what it does today and in the recent past when we get to the other side of these conjunctions. Exactly what the nation will be and look like is unclear at the moment. We should get some more clues in the upcoming election,
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