Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 19/20, 2023 Total Solar Eclipse In Aries


Our first eclipse of 2023 will be a total solar eclipse on April 19/20, 2023 and it will occur at 29 degrees and 50 minutes Aries. This total eclipse is visible over North West Cape in Western Australia. At least a partial eclipse can be seen from South/East Asia, Australia, Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Antarctica. This eclipse is on an anaretic degree, making it even more significant This eclipse could affect global hostilities, fires, war, accidents, and sickness. With Jupiter conjunct the eclipse point, air travel, higher education, health care, and foreign cultures are affected. The effects could be positive, although overdoing it could be a problem. The eclipse point is also conjunct fix star Mirach. And, Pluto in square aspect to the eclipse point adds intensity and power to this eclipse - perhaps not in a beneficial way.  

For the USA, the home front, family issues, women’s issues, and certain real estate (the home) issues are affected. Abortion and women’s health issues will continue to be a prominent concern. Inflation will likely be tamed (and then some) with this eclipse as Saturn squares Venus in the sixth in the eclipse chart over Washington DC. Employment numbers should be reduced considerably. However, Saturn (in the second house) is actually sextile the eclipse point The overall effects should be fairly positive. Mars in the seventh house looks troublesome. Partners and enemies are likely to be quite aggressive. And, since Mars is conjunct the Sun in the chart for the USA, the President should also be in an aggressive and feisty mood.     

As always, this eclipse will affect you personally if you have planets and/or points conjunct or opposite the eclipse point (only a two degree orb). Those planets or points between 28 degrees Aries and 2 degrees Taurus and/or Libra/Scorpio are included. Eclipses are Uranian in nature in that what happens is unexpected, and you might not even be certain as to what is happening for six months. For a solar eclipse, it takes about a year for the event to completely mature. Whether the eclipse is experienced as positive or negative depends on the planet that is conjoined or opposed, its place in your chart, the condition that the planet is in, and whether and how you might have prepared for what is happening (i.e. free will). If you’d like to know if you have planets or points that fall into this range, let me know. For most people, it will be experienced simply as a New Moon type event. Those are generally felt as the start of something new or a new beginning.