The month of January is eclipse season in 2019. The second eclipse, a lunar eclipse, occurs on January 20, 2017 at 1 degree Leo. It occurs just after midnight on the US East Coast, so January 21 in that area. The eclipse will be visible in its entirety from North and South America, as well as portions of western Europe and northwest Africa. This one is a total lunar eclipse and it's a Blood Moon. You will be affected by this eclipse if you have planets or points between 0 and 3 degrees of Leo and/or Aquarius. If you have planets or points at 29 degrees of Cancer or Capricorn, you too will be affected. Most folks will simply experience the eclipse as a full Moon. Full Moons usually indicate a climax or coming to fruition of something, and we are normally more emotional during a full Moon. The emphasis is on creative self-expression through innovation, originality, and/or just being different or unique.
The lunar eclipse in Leo will affect the entertainment industry and children worldwide. Also, Leo brings world leaders into view or prominence. Transiting Uranus in square aspect indicates a time of instability and of sudden surprising and difficult events involving various world leaders. Transiting Mars square transiting Saturn and Pluto connotes power plays, power struggles, and possibly violence.
For the US, the eclipse falls in the tenth house in the eclipse chart over Washington DC and conjunct the MC. The President and the Executive Branch figure prominently. Transiting Uranus squares the eclipse point from the seventh house, so sudden, surprising, and difficult events are likely to occur involving the President with this eclipse. Transiting Mercury and Pluto are in opposition to the eclipse point. The media is likely to report events and issues in a less than favorable way for the President, and many of these reports are likely to continue to be from FBI activity involving Trump and his campaign in 2016. Risk taking could cause problems with regard to the nation’s finances. There is an element of delusion and excessive optimism with Neptune squaring Jupiter/Venus (in the second house) from the fifth house. However, increased worker productivity could help with Mars (in the sixth house) in trine aspect to Jupiter/Venus.